Funding is the life blood of real estate development. Projects can be made or broken by having the right people with the right resources in your corner. At Singh Development Inc we not only develop real estate, but we invest in communities. As the largest stake holder in every one of our projects, it is imperative to us that our projects not only conform with a neighborhood, but become part of what makes it great. After all, the success of each project hinges on the success of the neighborhood as a whole. Through out vast network of funding sources we are able to custom tailor each project for its specific funding needs.
The design phase of each project is one of the most vital to its success and efficiency. Every angle has to be thought through. Every road block or speed bump must be prepared for in order maximize the success of any project. At Singh Development, we feel that investing a little extra time during this phase of the process will result in very unique, creative, and efficient projects. To achieve this we partner, and work with some of the best architects and engineers in our markets. Combine their creativity and our experience and it will be a home run every time.
Implementation and execution of our designs and ideas is even more important than conceiving them. Our dedicated and experienced team works with some of the best general contractors and sub contractors in our markets to meet every one of our financial and timeline goals. We have worked with independent land owners, municipalities, franchises, churches, and private residents to achieve all their real estate goals. No matter what the project size, we are prepared to handle it.
Being prepared for any and everything that may arise over the course of a project is what can make the difference in a successful project, or one that never materializes. We achieve this through our years of experience. We bring all our knowledge and influence to the table during all of our consulting projects. Having a team as dedicated and impactful as ours in your corner can make your life a lot easier. Ask any one of our consulting clients and they will tell you that from the moment we come on board, a project just seems to move along smoother. If you have a project that could you some assistance or just another set of eyes to look it over, feel free to contact us. We can get it moving in the positive direction right away.
Consulting services are offer to anyone from the first time, single family home investor to the largest development corporations. Buying your first rental? We can get you on the right track. Scaling your portfolio? We can show you some of the pitfalls to be aware of. Schedule your session today.